31 tips, hints, and tricks just for kids
Bathtub Seat
When bathing the baby, set his infant seat in the tub. First remove pad and straps and put a large folded towel in the seat. You will have both hands free
Warm Bed
Put a heating pad set on low on baby's crib mattress after you pick him up for his nighttime feeding. His bed will be nice and warm after the feeding and he'll settle down to sleep more quickly. Be sure to remove the pad.
Clean Baby Bottles
Agate marbles put in the sterilizer when cleaning baby bottles will remove all the corrosion.
Swallowing Pills
Put children's pills in a spoonful of applesauce to make swallowing easier.
Sweet Tongue Depressor
Use a lollypops as a tongue depressor when checking a child's sore throat.
Removing Splinters
Soak the child's finger in olive oil for a few moments, or apply ice before removing splinters from small fingers
Safety Tip
Put a piece of colored tape at a child's level on sliding glass doors to prevent them from walking into the door.
Red Means Danger
Mark the caps of all harmful medicine bottles, etc., with red fingernail polish to teach children that they mean danger.
Saved By the Bell
Tie a small bell to the door to signal you that a wandering toddler may be on his way outside.
First Walking Shoes
Tie a small bell to the door to signal you that a wandering toddler may be on his way outside.
Fear of Falling
When children are afraid of falling out of bed, place their old crib mattress on the floor next to the bed.
Child's Floor
By attaching a handle near the bottom of the screen door, a child will be able to let himself in without calling for help.
Toddler Bathtub
When children are still to small for the bathtub, put a plastic clothes basket with holes in it into the tub and set him in it.
Soap for Kids
Put bits of soap in an old stocking and tie the end. Children will find it easier to hold.
Angry Child
When a small child is angry and crying, whisper in his ear. He'll calm down in order to hear you,
Saving Children's Drawings
Spray drawings and artwork with hairspray to keep colors from fading and smudging.
Cleaning Toys
Clean stuffed toys with cornstarch. Rub in, let it stand awhile and brush out.
Polishing Baby's Shoes
Before polishing, rub shoes with rubbing alcohol, polish, and buff with waxed paper when dry.
Bib Tip
Cut the sleeves off an old shirt and use the shirt as a bib (coveralls) when children are painting or eating.
Exchange Chores
When children protest over doing chores, offer to exchange one of your chores for his.
Clothing Choice
When small children fuss over the clothes you pick out, lay out three outfits and let him choose what he wants.
Chore Lottery
Make a game of doing Saturday chores by drawing lots--a slip of paper for every member of the family with a chore written on it. On one slip write "Relax!"
Too Much TV
Give children a small sum over their regular allowance. Each time they watch a television show, charge them a nickel. They'll select their programs more carefully
Fun Lunch
Lunchtime will be more pleasant for young children if you read to them while they eat.
Slip-Proof Glasses
Put a couple of rubber bands around a child's drinking glass to prevent slipping from small hands.
Lunch in a Cone
Picky eaters will find lunchtime bearable if served tuna salad, cottage cheese, etc., in an ice-cream cone.
Sleeping Troubles
If a child has trouble sleeping, dab some cologne on the of his hand and tell him to sniff it until the smell is gone. Heavy concentration on this will put him to sleep quickly
Nap Time
During nap time play soothing music to lull children to sleep easily.
Bath-Time Fun
Toddlers will enjoy bathing a small doll while you bathe them.
Cutting Bangs
To cut bangs evenly, place apiece of scotch tape across the child's bangs and cut above the tape.
Dog Tags For Kids
To prevent losing a child in a store or elsewhere, have a stainless steel dog-tag made with his name, address and telephone number, and attach to his shoelace
Bicycle Safety Tip
In case of a bicycle accident, tape a card to the child's handlebars containing name, address and phone number.
Getting Mail
Children who have trouble reading will do better by receiving mail. Have family members daily jot quick notes and mail them to the child.
Art Wall
A young child will develop his artistic talent if you paint one of his bedroom walls with flat black or dark green latex paint to let him use as a chalk board.
Work Space For Children
If a child wants to help out in the kitchen, pull out a drawer and lay a cutting board across it for his own work space.
Family Tree
Paint a tree on a child's bedroom and attach family photos to the branches.
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