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Tuesday 22 March 2011

How To Keep Food Fresh

14 tips, hints, and tricks for keeping food fresh longer

Celery and Lettuce
Store in refrigerator in paper bags instead of plastic. Leave the outside leaves and stalks on until ready to use.
Wrap onions individually in foil to keep them from becoming soft or sprouting
Wrap cheese in a vinegar-damped cloth to keep it from drying out.
Milk at room temperature may spoil colder milk, so don't pour milk from pitcher back into the carton.
Brown Sugar
Wrap brown sugar in plastic bag and store in refrigerator in a coffee can with a snap-on lid.
Store cocoa in a glass jar in a dry and cool place.
Putting half an apple in the cake box will keep cake moist.
Ice Cream
Prevent gooey film on ice cream by laying a piece of waxed paper directly over the ice cream before resealing the carton.
Lemons will be juicier if stored in a sealed jar of water in the refrigerator.
Store limes, wrapped in tissue paper, on lower shelf of the refrigerator.
Smoked Meats
Wrap ham or bacon in a vinegar-soaked cloth, then in waxed paper to preserve freshness.
Keep strawberries in a colander in the refrigerator. Wash just before serving.
Soda Crackers
Wrap saltine crackers tightly and store in the refrigerator.
Vegetables With Tops
Remove the tops on carrots, beets, etc. before storing.

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