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Tuesday 22 March 2011

How to Groom , Tips and Tricks

31 Grooming tips, hints, and tricks

Broken Lipstick
Hold a match under the broken ends until they melt enough to adhere to each other. Cool in the refrigerator.
Removing Dead Skin
Rib a bit of Miracle Whip salad dressing into your skin and let it stand a moment. Rub vigorously and dead skin is quickly removed. However, this only works using Miracle Whip, not mayonnaise
Natural Facial
A good and inexpensive facial to try: mash half an avocado, spread thickly on face and remove with warm water 20 minutes later.
Another Easy Facial
Apply a paste of instant oatmeal and water to face. When it dries and feels tight, rub of with fingers, removing dead skin.
Vinegar For Skin
The natural ph-balance will be restored to your skin by adding cider vinegar to a bowl of warm water and splashing it on your face. Allow to air-dry.
Health Spa Secret
After washing your face, rub a small amount of petroleum jelly into wet skin. Keep wetting face until the jelly does not feel greasy. This is a little-known secret that many health spas use
Squeaking Shoes
If your shoes squeak, try applying linseed oil to the soles.
Cuticle Treatment
Apply a mixture of equal parts of castor oil and white iodine to your cuticles every night.
Surgeon's Secret
Apply odorless castor oil around eyes nightly. Plastic surgeons use this n their patients after surgery
Insect Bite Remedies
Try one of the following for relief of insect bites: apple cider vinegar applied to the affected area; a paste of baking soda and water allowed to dry  bites; or a past of meat tenderizer
Skin Treatment
A wonderful relief for sunburn pain is the application of mint-flavored milk of magnesia to the skin. It is also good for applying to oily skin before bed.
 Hair Shiner
These hair rinses will remove soap film and shine hair-for blondes--rinse water containing s few tablespoons of lemon juice. For burettes and redheads a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in the rinse water
Sticking Bottle Tops
Rub petroleum jelly inside the cap of bottles of nail polish to prevent them from sticking.
Homemade Deodorant
Heat in a double boiler until a smooth cream forms: equal parts of baking soda, petroleum jelly and talcum powder. This homemade deodorant can be kept in small jars and used like a regular cream deodorant
Sticking Perfume Bottles
If the top on a bottle of perfume stick, put the bottle in the refrigerator until it is cold, then twist the stopper back and forth to prevent future sticking.
Tweezing Eyebrows
If you wear eyeglasses, it may be hard to tweeze eyebrows. Try turning your glasses upside down before tweezing.
Earring Allergy
If costume jewelry earrings cause your ears to break out, try washing earrings in rubbing alcohol and putting several coats of clear nail polish on part of the erring that touches your ear
Baking Soda Uses
For a mouthwash: 1 teaspoon dissolved in 1/2 glass of water; for toothpaste, use full strength on your toothbrush; for burns, apply a past of baking soda and water; for cleaning rough knees and elbows, a paste of soda and water.
Soft Hands
Rinse hands in vinegar water after hand washing clothes or dishes.
Quick Shampoo
When you don't have time to wash your hair, sprinkle talcum powder on only areas, with a towel, and brush out.
Calorie Counter
Rather than write down calories and food eaten during the day, use a pocket calculator to count calories. You'll know how close you are to your daily limit.
Baggy Stockings
If your nylon stockings sag and bag, dip your hands in warm water and rub your hands up your legs, starting at the ankle for a better fit.
Stopping Runs
To stop runs in stockings, spray with hair spray or rub with a wet cake of soap.
Static Electricity
To eliminate clinging dresses, run a wire coat hanger between your slop and dress.
Steam Out Wrinkles
To remove wrinkles from a dress or other garment, hang it in the bathroom while taking a shower and steam will remove some of the wrinkles.
Tired Eyes
Fresh cucumber slices applied to closed eyelids with freshen and revive tired eyes
Quick-drying Nail Polish
Nail polish will dry quickly if you put your handed in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator for a minute
Inexpensive Rouge
Combine the last of your lipstick with your lipstick with cold cream for  a  lovely rouge.
Shoe Polishing
Keep a pair of old worn-out gloves in your shoe-polishing kit to avoid getting shoe publish under your fingernails
Beach Sand
Sprinkle talcum powder on body and feet and rub lightly with a towel to remove any traces of beach sand
Blemish Remedy
Rub baby power or cornstarch on facial blemishes to dry them up without driving skin.

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