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Tuesday 22 March 2011

How to Fix Household items

40 tips, hints, and tricks for repairs around the house

Loose Drawer Knobs
Before inserting a screw into the knob, coat with fingernail polish to hold it tightly.
Leaky Vase
Fix a leaky vase by coating the inside with paraffin and letting it harden
Plywood Cutting
Put a strip of masking tape at the point of plywood where you plan to begin sawing to keep it from splitting.
Loose Screws
To make a screw hold tightly, dip it in glue before replacing.
Locating Wall Studs
Move a pocket compass along the wall. When the needle moves, usually the stud will be located at that point. Studs are usually located 16 inches apart.
Fraying Rope
Shellac the ends of rope to prevent fraying.
Fraying Nylon Cord
Heat the cut end of nylon cord over a match flame to bond the end together
Loosing Rusting Bolts
Apply a cloth soaked in any carbonated soda to loosen rusted bolts.
Straight Line
Mark a straight line by using a knife instead of a pencil.
Sandpaper Tip
By damping the backing on sandpaper, it will last longer and resist cracking
Tight Screws
Loosen a screw by putting a couple drops of peroxide on it and let it soak in.
Screwdriver Tip
Keep a screwdriver from slipping by putting chalk on the blade
Loosening Joints
Loosen old glue by applying vinegar from an oil can to the joint
Screwdriver Substitute
Use a large new nail to substitute for a Phillips screwdriver.
Rule to Remember for Tools
Left is loose and right is tight
Creaky Boards
Fasten floorboards down with extra long nails to prevent creaking
Another Floorboard Tip
Another way to prevent creaking floorboards is to put a thin wedge between the sub flooring and the joints.
Preventing Rust
To prevent rusty tools, coat with auto paste wax
Corrosion Preventative
Put piece of charcoal in your toolbox to prevent corroded tools
Sanding Tip
To locate any rough spots that remain, put an old nylon stocking over your hand--run it lightly over the surface of the wood.
Sticking Drawers
Rub the runners of drawers with a candle or a bar of soap so they will slide easily
Window Insulation
Hang plastic lings behind curtains to insulate windows against heat or cold
Chips in the Sink
Small chips in porcelain sinks can be hidden by applying contact paper to the spots
Drawer Knobs
Use building blocks instead of knobs on a child's dresser
Stubborn Locks
Dip key into machine oil or graphite to loosen up a lock. Turn the key in the lock a few times
No Graphite
Rub the key with a lead pencil if you have no graphite on hand to loosen up a lock
Hairdryer Bellows
Use a portable hairdryer as a fine fireplace bellows
Shut-off Valve Safety Tip
To keep the shut-off values on water pipe from sticking, turn them every six months or so
Slamming Doors
Reduce the noise level in your home by putting self-sticking protective pads on the inside edges of cabinet doors, cupboards, etc.
Audio Tip
Audiophiles or those who are hard-of-hearing can avoid disturbing others by having earphone jacks installed in television sets, stereos, radios, etc
Snow Shovel Wax
Coat a snow shovel with floor wax to keep snow from sticking to it.
Icy Sidewalk Tip
Sprinkle sand through a strainer on an icy sidewalk to distribute evenly
Anchored Garbage Can
Prevent garbage cans from being tipped over by firmly anchoring inside an old tire.
Garbage Can Tip
Garbage cans will last longer if they are painted. Use primer on galvanized metal, then paint with matching house paint.
Key Identification
Paint the top of keys with corresponding colors on front door, car, etc.
Towel Rack Tip
Replace the bottom screws of towel racks with cup hooks. Small towels and washcloths may be hung from them.
Handy Item
To retrieve things from hard-to-reach areas, fasten a cup hook to the end of an old mop or broom handle.
Screen Repair
Use clear cement glue to repair a small hole in wire screening.
Hairdryer Hint
Thaw a frozen pipe with a portable hairdryer
Repairing Linoleum
Mix shellac with particles of matching linoleum to repair holes in your flooring. Apply to the spot, let it harden, sand until smooth, and wax.

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