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Sunday 27 March 2011

How to Edit Blog and Blog Posts

Editing My Posts in Blogger Explained .

This is very important and most common function , There will be many times when you will find errors or when you want to change the contents of your blog post , To do this you first need to get to your "DashBoard" and there you will see the blog which you wanna edit , and Under the Title you will find a button which says "Edit Posts"

Click the Edit Posts Button and then it will show you list of all the posts you made into thatparticular Blog , Find which post you wanna Edit and then press the Button "Edit"

Here blogger gives you options to Edit the post , To View the Post and to Delete the post . Post once deleted can not be undeleted , where as a complete blog if deleted can be undeleted anytime you want . 

Once you Successfully made changes to your posts Go ahead and press "Publish Post"button . and you are done!

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