Search This Blog

Sunday 27 March 2011


A Blog is a web page which is hosted/kept by , is part of"Google Incorporation" .And to become a part of Blogger you first need to join Google . Which is very easy steps:

Part 1 :
1)First go to and register a new email id , if you already have it you can use it , but my suggestion is that you make a new id specially for blogger use , and while filling up the form for new id provide correct information about your name and your located country .Once you have successfully made and activated your id now its time to move towards

Part 2:

2)Go To and login using your gmail id . And thats all you will be taken to your Blogger Account where you will update your profile picture and info etc. And after you're done with it you will be taken to a Screen like this
Fill in here your Display name or Nick name , Select Gender Check mark Yes and Press the Continue Button.

Now this is what we call Dashboard , here you can Select the Language you want to use the blogger with , View and Edit your Profile , Photo , Notifications etc.  Now You will Press"Create a Blog" Button to make your first Blog 

fill in the Title of your Blog , select a URL of your blog and Check Availability , Try to keepTitle and URL similar . The most frequent problem new users face here is URL is not available , Try keeping a Unique URL and you can use "Dash" "-" in your URL , I recommend short and without dash URLs . 
For e.g : if your blog title is "Learn Blogging" , select URL  "LearnBlogging" or"LearnBlogging87" etc .
Finally if your URL is available proceed to next step and press the "Continue" button.

Choose your Starter template or webpage design i selected "Travel" which is dark and looks cool . Press 
Continue .

Congratulations ! This Shows that you have Successfully Created your very First Blog , Now Press "Start Blogging" which means you will add data to your blog and its time to Edit and make first post in your first Blog . 

This is Your Blog's Edit Menu , Here You will see "Edit Html" and "Compose"  , Blogger gives you 2 options How to make your posts , if you have knowledge of HTML language Press that tab and use it , otherwise you will only be using the "Compose" mode which is graphic interface and easy to use as if you are making an email . 

Blogger Allows you to embed or attach images and videos to your blog , To add an image to your post Press  the image button which is exactly to the right side of the LINK button . after pressing it will ask you to Browse a Picture from your PC , You can Also Browse from "Picasa Web Albums" by simply Searching and Selecting , One more Option is if you have aURL location of the Picture which is already somewhere on a site , you can paste the link of that picture and then Select Add Selected .
By default the picture is aligned to the center which looks very tidy .

This is Exactly how you make an Email with images attached  and you can also embed any video from online such as "Youtube" or you can upload from your PC . Write some labels , remember labels are the words which are to be found in the contents of that blog  and the words which you make lables with , highlight them with bold text which makes page healthy in search engines .

After you are Done ! press the "Publish Post" button . 

This shows "Your Blog Post Published Successfully". now surely you wanna "View Post" Which will give you finalized published page of your Blog . Looks Something like this .

"Thanks for Your Interest "

Please "Subscribe" to My blogs 

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