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Monday, 23 May 2011

Release Your Stress

Stress is the part of our life whevever we are in problem , frustrated we have to pass from the stress most important stress is our job stress because of work load , co workers , supervisor but when we are in stress we can not do work properly , 2nd we are inviting many deasese in our life most common are headech ,sleeping , memory loss etc not just that most people does not know that they are in stress so for them it is very important to realize that by looking into many different parts of life like what they do not like , what is the thing which heart them more , at what thing they get more angry by looking those thing we can realize and control the stress.

if something is not in your favour try to get the solution of it not just keep sitting and worry about that problem it will increase your stress level .

stress usually kill your sleeping due to thinking again and again about the problem just think for while that you cannot solve it right now at any how than keep your problem for the next day and sleep well .

avoid bad thinking about future that something bad in your favour can be happen that thinking takes you in stress always keep positve thinking .

if someone doesnot like your work than try to give your hundred percent and better work not just keep sitting and worry for that .

Avoid sitting on desk for long time , make some round , do some exercise and be relax anc calm .

Avoid much sugar and caffeine on job that turn you in stress .

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