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Wednesday 4 May 2011

how to keep your skin fresh and Soft in summer

when summer comes it is very hard to care of your skin fresh , soft and shiny due to hot temperature and sweating  that increase the dirtiness and important the sunlight which damage the skin and problem like dard spot whiteness become dull of face but we really want to care our skin and very conscious about it because the face is the most important part of the body and it is one which is effected more than other parts so we should care more than others for that we use different methods and creams which is also good but we ignore many things that is also important for our skin which are mention there .

1. Drink : As we know that in summer water consumption is increased in our body so we should take more glasses of water and specially juices so out all body requirement are filled and it help our body to maintain soft and fresh if your are going outside . drink very cold water before leave it will help u to remain cool till long time .

2. Cream : we should use good brand cream to save the face from sunlight because that effect more our face skin than others parts do not go out side before afflying cream.

3. Face Wash : face you wash many times in a day it removes dirt from the face specially before going outside   it work as a cover of your face if you are very tired wash face with cold water it help u use good brand face wash if possible .

4. Fruits : Fruits help to maintain your sking fresh and soft because fruits are full of vitamins and proteins so increase the quantity of fruits that you eat .

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